Saturday, September 20, 2008

EXTRA! EXTRA! John's Camera stolen by Hungarian rapscallions!

I hadn’t intended to write a further post, but Hungary has forced my hand.

So now for a bit of yelling.

I woke up this morning and proceeded to pack. During this process I discovered that I had been burgled during the night. The rapscallion(s) had made off with 5000 forints (about 20 Euros), and my camera. And the cameras of everyone else in my room.

So I am now an amateur photographer without a camera and with a firm conviction never to travel east of Germany unless I’m going to Australia. There is no likelihood of the camera being recovered, the Hungarians be adept at spiriting away their ill-gotten gains. If I want a camera in the near future I’m looking at another $300+ purchase.

So that was Hungary. Wet, cold, and permeated with thieves. I don’t think I’ll be coming back ever, and this post comes with a strong recommendation to anyone planning on traveling in a former Eastern Bloc country: don’t. Unless you enjoy replacing your valuables.


Update: thank you, dad. Dad will be bringing my new camera with him to Germany, and I'll get it on the 26th.

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